
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fashion Through a Guy's Eyes

The other day, I asked my friend Jacob to create a few outfits based on what fashion means to him as a guy (don't worry-- this isn't his hobby; he owed me). The sets he came up with are surprisingly wearable and, as much as I hate to admit it, some may actually be considered cute. Of course he learned everything he knows from me, mwahahahaha (just kidding). I guess this experiment busted the myth that guys don't know what looks good. Though he did incorporate a few fashion faux pas in his outfits, he did pretty well considering that he is a teenage boy who is obsessed with Xbox.
My personal favorite <3

Quite cute and charming

A little odd... but still, not too bad

Cute concept... but a little too matchy matchy?

Sweet and girly 


  1. See Alice I don't fail. And your just kidding is wrong I probably did learn 99% of the ability to make this from you.

  2. We really like the Tiffany Blue "Cute Concept" ensemble. While "matchy, matchy" is something one wants to try to avoid, Tiffany Blue is not a color to consider within this predicament especially, when one item at hand, is a blazer, and the other, a purse. Aside from getting from Point A to Point B, these items will most likely be removed and left aside at different times of the day. Speaking as those who wear these colors on a regular basis, you should be more concerned with polka dots and flowers being combined. That stopped being cute after the age of five.

    Also, maybe you should look into the term of "matchy, matchy." If you are wanting to be taken seriously within fashion, which it seems you do, we suggest that you remove this phrase from your vocabulary and restrain from making comments that fit with preteen films.

    1. I sincerely appreciate your constructive criticism; however, to me, fashion is not about being taken "seriously". Fashion is my mode of personal expression, and although this blog is public, each post is crafted from my own desires. Fashion is a living, breathing hobby for me, and I see no reason why my organic vocabulary needs to be restrained and strapped into aristocratic confines.
